Monday, October 11, 2010

What music is making me do...

Sometimes I'm listening to music and I enjoy it. Music does many things to us - we become happy; we become sad; we start to sing and to dance. But sometimes (and this is what I love the most) music, songs, bands and artists can be so brilliant that you would get outside to feel the wind circulating around your body. When music is piercing every cell of your body so you just feel like a pile of molecules. I love it when music makes you get up at 3 a.m. in the morning to listen to that one song again you can't get out of your head. Losing a feeling for time. Or when you feel the urge to jump into a lake with all your clothes. When you would just stare at the ceiling while you would just feel the goosebumps all over your body. When you don't care taking the longer way home just in order to be able to listen to the music coming from your MP3-player longer. Brilliant music will make you dance in the rain half-naked and will make you touch concrete ground just to feel the hard, cold and rough reality. The feeling you get when you close your eyes pretending there is nothing but YOU! And when you can't help listening to one and the same song again for several hours. I love what music does to me...

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