Monday, October 4, 2010

Vi snakker bare norsk!

I had my first Norwegian lesson today. Our teacher started to talk Norwegian right away welcoming us to the course. After talking about some administrative matters we got asked if we'd already understand a few words. Most of the students were shaking their heads while (brave me)...... was almost hiding under the table thinking: Jeg snakker INGEN norsk. :o) 

Some of us introduced themselves - since we're around 60 people in the course only a few had the chance to talk. And I almost fell off my chair when one of the students revealed that she is from Oslo!! OMG, I'm going to look so much like a loser in comparison to her - I was thinking. Some of us spent some time in Norway and could already speak a little bit norsk. I enjoyed a lot to listen to the language thinking how long it would take until I can talk that fluently. And although there might be so many who are already able to speak Norwegian, I'm not too worried because there are others in the course to whom this language is completely new. 

Our teacher is from Norway and when she told a few things about herself I was quite happy to be able to understand her (since I thought I could only understand Norwegian when it is written down - it seems the countless hours watching interviews/TV and listening to radio programmes in Norwegian finally payed off ). :)

We spoke about our reasons for learning Norwegian and our teacher told us about a student in the advanced course who started to learn norsk because of her favourite band: Kaizers Orchestra. I had to laugh; once more I'm soooooo busted. ;) Although the fact that I love so many Norwegian musicians/artists is only a small part for my reason to learn norsk.

Some minutes of the lesson we spend with learning a few things like saying/asking for the name or where someone is coming from and the pronouns (but that wasn't new to me).

Next lesson is on Thursday and I got some homework to do. I'm looking forward to learn something new. :)