Friday, October 8, 2010

Vi snakker bare norsk! Del 2

Had my second Norwegian lesson yesterday; now we're talking!! Hva heter du? Og hvor kommer du fra? Hvordan har du det? Vil du ha en kopp te? Infinitiv, Presens, Preteritum, Perfektum.... og så videre.

It's great fun so far. Probably because these things aren't yet very challenging and isn't it always exciting to learn something new?! :) The more I learn the more confident I get when I have to talk Norwegian myself. And I just can't wait to prove my skills when I get to talk to my Norwegian friends. ;)

Speaking of my Norwegian friends - Some of them are already speaking ONLY in Norwegian to me, completely resisting to talk English. It's fun and a good way to get used to the language. 

Actually I think I would be a bit lost if I didn't knew already a phew phrases. From beginners to experts you'll find all sorts of students in our course and I guess it's a bit difficult at the beginning - especially when it comes to the 'odd' pronunciation. At least it would be difficult for me.

Well... I got some Norwegian home-work to do now. Sooo... ha det!! :)

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